Machinery Effects

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Vignetting - Use this effect to change the brightness in the periphery of the image.

"Vignetting" Pane

You can control the strength, range and manner of the effect.

  • Vignetting - a value over zero will make the edges brighter; a value below zero will darken the edges.
  • Sharpness - defines how the change in brightness will progress. A value of 0 means that the changes will progress with the same strength in the direction of the edges. The higher the value of the parameter the weaker the changes of brightness in the center of the image.
  • Radius - defines (in %) the size of the area in the center of the image that will not be affected.
  • Color correction - defines how the extent to which saturation will be altered along with a change of brightness.

Tip: setting the "Vignetting" parameter to a value below zero will make the image darker. You can use this effect to draw out the main theme of the image, if located in the center.

Source image

Vignetting -100
Sharpness +50
Radius 0
Color correction +50

By changing the brightness of the periphery, irrelevant areas of the image have been concealed, while the main theme now stands out.

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