Machinery Effects

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Previous chapter -> Softness.

Luminance mixer - use this effect to change the proportions between the Red, Green and Blue channels.

"Luminance Mixer" Pane

Brightness of the image’s points is determined according to proportions for each RGB channel:
The red channel - 30%; the green channel – 59%, the blue channel – 11%.
You can use the "Luminance Mixer" panel to change the proportions of the colors.

Typical objects on photos have approximate RGB proportions, e.g. the sky has the highest percent value for the blue channel, plant life – for the green channel, people’s skin – for the red channel.
By changing these proportions you selectively impact the image’s brightness – the greater the percentage of a given channel in the image, the greater the impact.

The Color Correction parameter determines the extent to which saturation will be altered along with a change of brightness.

You can quickly restore neutral settings by clicking on the first predefined settings panel on the toolbar.

Source Image

Brightness – blue channel.

Additionally, the edges of the image have been darkened and a color gradient was added.

Next chapter -> RGB channels

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HDR Software. MACHINERY Project (c). Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

Program do HDR. Tworzenie obrazów HDR. HDR program. Machinery HDR Effects.