Machinery Effects

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Saved image cannot be opened in any program.

Check if the file has a .jpg or .tiff extension.
Make sure you are saving images via the Image Menu option, and not via Project Menu.


The image preview visible on the monitor has poor sharpness.

1. Switch to 1:1 View in the Navigator window.
2. Turn on the Display -> High Quality option in the program’s configuration menu.


Sharp borders appear around contrasting elements.

This effect is caused by excessive Detail values or Microcontrast levels.

1. Instead of changing detail levels in the Details panel, try adjusting the Microcontrast parameter in the Shadows / Highlights panel.
2. Decrease the value of Small Details in the Details panel.
3. Decrease the value of the Edge Detection parameter in the Details panel.
4. Turn off Color Detection in the Details panel.
5. Decrease the value of the Shadows / Middle tones / Lights parameter in the Shadows / Highlights panel to a value close to zero.
6. Decrease the value of the Microcontrast parameter in the Shadows / Highlights panel.


The image contains large flat areas without details.

This is the result of excessive noise reduction.

1. Turn off the Noise Reduction option in the Details panel.
2. Increase the value of the Noise parameter in the Details panel.
3. Decrease the value of the Noise parameter in the Smoothing panel.
4. Turn off the Image Menu -> Noise Reduction option.


Loaded images are shifted with respect to each other.

1. Switch on the Align Images option in the HDR panel (Loading Images tab).
2. Optionally, switch on the Deghosting option.


Problems with saving presets.

Vista or Windows 7 can block saving presets to the User’s Preset folder due to lack of authorization.
To launch the app as an Administrator follow these steps:
1. Open the catalog containing the installed program.
2. Right-click on the "Machinery.exe" icon.
3. Choose the "Run as Administrator" option.


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HDR Software. MACHINERY Project (c). All rights reserved.